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Secured Credit Cards without a Security Deposit

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It might be difficult to get a credit card if you have poor credit. A secured creditcard may be the solution if you are trying to improve your credit scores or build credit. With a secured credit card, you pay a deposit that matches the credit limit on the card. You'll get a credit report from the three largest credit bureaus in return. You can also obtain an FICO score, and an identity theft monitoring system.

Credit card that allows you to build or re-build your credit

If you are looking to improve or rebuild your credit, secure deposit credit cards may be a good option. Secured deposit credit cards are different from regular credit cards in that they don't require a credit review or a minimum credit rating to apply. For those with high spending habits, however, this card might not be suitable. These cards have a credit limit equal to the deposit. If you have a high-spending habit, you might want to look into another credit card.

Secured deposit credit cards need a cash deposit to be eligible. This serves as collateral. Secured cards work exactly the same as unsecured credit cards once they are made. You can make purchases, pay them off, and the issuer might withdraw your deposit.

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Credit card that requires security deposit

If you're considering applying for a credit card with a security deposit, keep in mind that the deposit is not used to cover the monthly payment. You'll be required to pay the minimum monthly payments plus any interest each month. Late payments can also result in the card issuer reporting you to credit bureaus and charging you late payment fees. This could negatively impact your credit rating.

To get a credit card with a security deposit, you'll need to establish a bank account with a routing number. After you have been approved for a card your credit limit will be determined by the security deposit. The credit card company may allow you to get $200 or $200 credit limits with a $200 deposit. Some secured credit cards let you increase your credit limit over the course of time.

Credit card that doesn’t require security deposit

For those with poor credit, unsecured credit cards can be a good option. Although secured cards typically require a minimum deposit, unsecured cards don't usually require one. These cards give you rewards and let you build your credit history without having to put up collateral.

Although a security deposit protects your card account from being closed, it won't cover your monthly payments. A $2,000 deposit for example will result in a monthly amount of about $125. Additional interest will be charged. If you close the account, the bank will refund your security deposit and deduct the outstanding debt.

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Because the bank does not have a safety net like a security deposit, unsecured credit cards can be easier to obtain. It is possible to be denied if you have poor credit. You may be eligible for an entry-level unsecured credit card with no security deposit if you are new to credit. However, the bank that issues your card will report your payments to the major credit bureaus.


Secured Credit Cards without a Security Deposit